The Naked Island

Digital soothing drops № 11

2 min readOct 17, 2022
© by the author

Hull-less experience. Naked awareness. Shame-free encounter. I was surprised at what this small island could give me as a teacher and mentor.

Lying there under the clouds,

in seemingly never-ending loneliness,

cold isolation, yawning emptiness. Despair and hopelessness gradually permeate every single cell. Self-criticism becomes louder than the chatter of everyday life.

Then a flock of birds flies over me…

and I lift my gaze to follow them. Suddenly I notice this otherworldly beautiful light in the clouds, transforming the looming dread into something unexpectedly hopeful.

Deep silence, inviting space to expand my heart and thoughts. Silky soft breathing air,

colors of forgiveness and reconciliation with myself.

Play of clouds, shapes that, when viewed calmly, are more beautiful than the most expensive paintings in the world. Just there, for me. Waiting for me. Like the most patient invitation. With open arms like a loving mother.

Waves that rhythmically whisper miracle songs to me without any counter-demand. Living beings that visit me, that animate the…




I’m striving to provide you a reason to slow down, breathe and enjoy the moment. Right here. I’ve done many things, from falling in love to burying a son.