In The Orbit Of Life

Digital soothing drops № 24

3 min readMar 23, 2023
Circles of dry sand lie in front of me in the wadden sea. Golden light shines and sparkles and mixes with the deep blue of the water.
© by the author

As the sun sinks towards the horizon, casting its golden glow across the expanse of the Wadden Sea, I stand touched with affection, watching as the circles of sand stretch out before me. The water is calm and the air is still, and the scene before me seems almost surreal in its beauty. Golden sparkles of a peaceful sun, the salty smell and the warmth on my face.

The sand is like a canvas, painted with swirls of gold and bronze, the sun’s rays playing across its surface like a gentle breeze. In front of me circles, like ripples in a pond, radiating outwards from a central point, yet each one perfectly irregular. And my eyes follow the rings, the lines and rest in the space between, slowing me down.

I can’t help but be mesmerized by their individuality, the way they seem to expand and reach out, like a living thing. And as I watch, I realize that these circles are like the paths we take in life, the journeys we make as we move through the world.

Just like the circles of sand, our lifepaths are constantly shifting and changing, meandering and oscillating with the passing of time. We move in and out of each other’s orbits, our paths crossing and diverging, each of us following our own unique trajectory through the world.




I’m striving to provide you a reason to slow down, breathe and enjoy the moment. Right here. I’ve done many things, from falling in love to burying a son.