Fairy Dust

Digital soothing drops № 23

2 min readMar 10, 2023

Whoosh… and I was hurled into the maw of the universe!

Myriads of stars poured around me, glittering, shining like the bewitching eyes of children when their eyes have spotted a birthday package. Golden starlight! Magically blue rays roamed around. Red stars kissed my eyes like they wanted to lighten my spark of love for them.

The golden glitter morphed into emerald green, attention-grabbing little rascals. There was dancing, jumping, rotating and the gravity was ignored with a laughter that transcended every dimension. Look, that blueish arc of stars circling the luscious red glowing orb… taste the — pow! —beguiling yellow-orange lumps… and follow me, drift away into the unknown dark blue corner. There must be more. Much more!

Swarms of playful round dancing celestial bodies, of inorganic liveliness. A contradiction? Yes, for sure! A contradiction full of whimsy and an infectious freedom of pure being.

But… but… get real. Wake up!

It is only wrapping paper!

And yes, that’s true. It was only wrapping paper lying in front of me. But when the sun threw its rays right onto the paper, I was awakened by the stars.




I’m striving to provide you a reason to slow down, breathe and enjoy the moment. Right here. I’ve done many things, from falling in love to burying a son.