(Caveat lector... I am a native swiss german speaker. So bear with me and my struggle to write a proper english. Thank you.)

In these hectic, media-saturated times, I set out to create oases of calm and contemplation. Usually with a single one of my own images and a few thoughts, I invite you to enjoy a moment of deceleration.


More than 20 years ago I made my first experiences with photography with a pinhole camera and a darkroom. Soon I acquired my first "real" camera and started to do extensive photo tours. Most of the time I stood in the darkroom for even longer and developed with Tetenal developer my TMax 400 and Agfa-Pan 25 films and made lots of prints of questionable quality on Ilford papers. Along with my personal evolution and ongoing education, my understanding of photography - φωτός γράφειν - painting with light changed.

Great photography is about depth of feeling, not depth of field.” — Peter Adams

Parallel to the technical job, I enjoyed many years of training in phytotherapy, medical massage therapy, naturopathy and lastly NLP coaching. I deal extensively with human perception, with systemic influences and with philosophical questions about the world and its creatures. These aspects strongly influence my understanding of photography. In my view, photography creates a visual stage for emotions and thoughts, stories and whole worlds, real or imagined. Photography as an expression of inner worlds. Thus I use photography also in my therapeutic activity as visual metaphor work, particularly in the field of grief counseling.

“When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs. When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence.” — Ansel Adams

On my photography focused website, you will find products of my work, e.g. pictures, exhibition sequences and photo books, but also information about courses in the field of photography, perception and creativity training.

For information from my other fields of activity, I cordially invite you to visit the specific websites.

I appreciate your time to read, to enjoy the photographs and thoughts in silence and it certainly is simply wonderful, if you find time and motivation to share your thoughts with me.

Thank you!

Medium member since August 2021
Editor of Monster Café
Connect with ItsAlwaysRightNow


I’m striving to provide you a reason to slow down, breathe and enjoy the moment. Right here. I’ve done many things, from falling in love to burying a son.